Rusty Microphone

Science 2.0



 Science 2.0 What Constitutes Real Science? In this podcast we call esoteric investigation – science 2.0. It begins with a look at the Global Consciousness Project, which shows how human emotions can make an impact on the atomic world – or the mineral Kingdom. When the airplanes hit the twin towers during 9-11, computers around the world responded to the human out cry of horror with a disruption in their normal functioning. This is an example of science 2.0. Next we look at how plant life is influenced by human thoughts and emotions. Clive Baxter shows an astounding relationship between humans and plants with his polygraph machine. When the machine is hooked up to a plant and he attempts to burn one of the leaves with a match, the machine reacts violently. Jose Silva demonstrates a vast range of human capabilities with his Silva Method, which was taught to millions of people around the world. Also, Anthony Robins and many other teachers try to convey a simple mechanism designed to demonstrate human potential.