Anecdotal Evidence With Daniel Johnson, Md

AE011 - Eddie LeShure - Beyond Attica.mp3



Eddie LeShure is a senior teacher of mindfulness meditation in Asheville. And in today's episode he shares an incredible story of overcoming adversity in harrowing circumstances. Fortunately it's more than just an anecdote - it shaped his healing path. In today's episode Eddie tells the story of how he was in the Attica state prison in New York during the prison riot of 1971.  The experience was truly harrowing as 39 people were killed after the National Guard ended the riot by opening fire on the inmates and their hostages.  Although Eddie survived the experience, the trauma of it shaped his life for years to come.  He shares how he was able to heal through the immense alienation and suffering caused by being present for such a tragedy.  Furthermore, he takes us beyond the story and the anecdote of the event to the lessons he's learned from it and how he's grown.  A fascinating conversation, I hope you enjoy it.     Chapters:00:00:00 Intro 00:03:35 Dairy Farm Life 00:16:25 Hard Lessons 00:30:54 Higher Educat