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OWAHL 007: Developing a Social Media Strategy for Growth



Some of the most common questions I get are about social media. Which social media you should be using, how this fits into the larger picture in your business, etc.  Social media is constantly changing and so is my strategy. But in today's episode I am going to briefly share my own personal social media strategy for our full time business over at Young Wife's Guide.  My Social Media Strategy Facebook Facebook has over 1.8 billion monthly active users. If you are looking for an audience to reach, they are on Facebook! Yes, Facebook organic reach has been down but if you are strategic with it, you can still reach your ideal customer or reader through Facebook. Difference between your Facebook profile and a Facebook page This is one question I've received several times. Your Facebook profile is your personal Facebook account that you set up. My personal profile is just for my friends and family that I know in person. I don't add anyone else to this account. This way, I still have privacy online. I can share post