Biz Women Rock! With Katie Krimitsos

From One on One Clients to Online Products That Serve the World with Nicole Cruz



When Nicole Cruz came to me, it became apparent that she wanted to build a business so she could put herself out of business.   Let me explain.   Nicole is a registered dietician and for 10 years, she’s been seeing clients one on one - mostly young girls and teenagers who have eating disorders or disordered eating and who want to heal their relationship with body and food.   As a mom of three littles and fueled by her desire to help prevent more kids from having such challenges, she started Joyful Eating for Your Family, a brand whose mission it is to help parents teach their kids how to have a healthy relationship with food.   When we began working together, she had just started the private Facebook Group ( and had an Instagram account. Fast forward, Nicole has solidified her message and stepped into her passionate voice to help families.  Her Facebook Group has over 2,000 members, her Instagram account is followed by over 8,100 people and over 1,200