Biz Women Rock! With Katie Krimitsos

Who Do You Need to Be In Order to Grow Your Business with Pooja Khanna



You know what it feels like to work yourself to the bone...and get up to do it all over again, right?  Well, Pooja Khanna did that for too long when in her career as an executive with American Express, Pepsi and Microsoft and developed adrenal fatigue.  After years of trying to heal through western medicine, she finally turned to holistic medicine to heal herself, using methods like Reiki, Acupuncture and Meditation.  It worked. And during that journey, she saw how difficult it was for her to find quality practitioners and resources.   So, she decided to create a solution. is a platform that allows you, the person who is seeking out holistic practitioners and resources, to easily find ones that Pooja and her team have vetted.  Their website offers a free subscription and a low cost paid subscription ($10/mo) that give you access to resources like nutrition counselors, reiki practitioners, guided meditations, educational courses and so much more so you can heal from the inside out.  During ou