Biz Women Rock! With Katie Krimitsos

A New Approach to Getting Things Done



For many, many years now, I have talked about a few foundational practices that I have used to get things done.  To be productive and efficient.   Time blocking, batching, focusing your energy, prioritizing your tasks, etc.   And they’re all really smart strategies and have worked in a nice combination for me over the years.  Until recently.   Blocking out time, dedicating certain times and days for certain activities, batching content creation...none of it’s working for me right now. With an 8 month old baby and a 3 ½ year old daughter, mommying has taken up more of my time than usual.  More times than I can count, my perfectly planned blocked times have been pushed aside to accommodate sick kids, changing schedules or have even been exchanged for “catch up” time for me to chill and recover before I can shift my energy into business.  My ideas to batch content and create 4 podcast episodes at once are thrown out the window because I am exhausted after just one interview or writing just one meditation for the