Biz Women Rock! With Katie Krimitsos

How She Recovered From the Worst Case Scenario and Created a Business She Loves in the Aftermath with Christine McAlister



I often use the strategy with clients called “what’s the worst case scenario?” It’s an exercise for them to play out the absolute worst possible outcome to something they’re go all the way down that worm hole so they can ultimately see that the worst case scenario actually isn’t that bad.  It powerfully removes fear so they can start taking intentional action. But sometimes in business and in life...the worst case scenario actually happens.  And it actually is horrific and scary.  And changes everything.   Christine McAlister had the worst case scenario happen to her back in 2015.  At that point, she had grown a very successful business and was pregnant with her first baby, Mave.  At 37 weeks, she went in for her routine checkup and was hit with news that would forever change her life.   The worst case scenario had happened...and she...and her business would never be the same.   During our conversation, Christine shares the very personal and touching story about what happened with Mave and wh