Biz Women Rock! With Katie Krimitsos

Design Your Dream Schedule



In January 2019, I did a Facebook Live series inside our private Facebook Community called Plan Your Big 2019.  Over 5 days, I talked about simple steps you could take to do ensure you had your biggest year yet in business. I’m bringing those videos out of the privacy of our group and onto the podcast for two big reasons: Because each of these concepts I’ll be going over in the next 5 weeks are truly timeless.  It doesn’t matter what month or year it can easily come back to these steps and get yourself re-focused and moving towards what you want in an intentional and productive way. Because this is typically the time of year when we realize that life has just sorta “happened” over the past few months.  We’re far away from the days when our heads and hearts were in the juice of envisioning what we really wanted to create. Whether we find ourselves a few degrees off of the course we want to be on, completely off track, or maybe even totally clueless as to what the hell we even wanted all those months