Biz Women Rock! With Katie Krimitsos

8 Productivity Hacks to Speed Up Business Growth with Nicole Carver



I know we hear about productivity so much and how being more productive is how we will ultimately be successful in business. But sometimes, all that lip service about productivity can detach us from what it actually looks like to be productive in your business! That’s why I’m bringing the amazing Nicole Carver on the show today. She’s sharing a total of 8 productivity hacks that she has intentionally implemented over the past year that have helped her grow significantly! Not only is she identifying the hacks, but how they actually look in her business. It’s a true case study for business growth told through the lens of productivity! Nicole is the CEO of Carver Concierge, an agency that provides personal concierge and lifestyle management services to clients such as managing the laundry, household tasks, organizational projects (like moving or Holiday decorating). They entrust Nicole and her team to still get these necessary things done and done well! I’ve had the pleasure of being Nicole’s coach and business