Biz Women Rock! With Katie Krimitsos

Self-Care Is the Foundation of Your Success with Jody Agard



Jody Agard has a big message to bring to women of the world: Self-Care is foundational to your overall success and joy in life.  It’s a message we are all too familiar with as busy business women, right?  We know the phrase, “you can’t pour from an empty cup,” all too well, but still...we let ourselves get into places of anxiety, stress, overwhelm and even burnout...all because we get too busy to take care of ourselves.     Which is why I’m bringing Jody on today.  Because her message is not only pervasive for how self-care actually impacts the day to day experience and results we have in our businesses (and our lives), but she makes it so easy and practical!   During this conversation, Jody shares…   The two big reasons we busy women tend not give into self-care on a regular basis. Practical examples of what self-care can look like in your life...ways that are free or relatively low-cost and super simple to implement (hint: we are talking about booking spa appointments here.  Think: taking a walk around yo