Biz Women Rock! With Katie Krimitsos

Inside a Mastermind Part 4: From an Entrepreneur Mindset to a Business Owner Mindset with Heather Robertson-Devine



Wait, what?  I thought "entrepreneur" and "business owner" meant the same thing?   Not according to my good friend and Mastermind participant, Heather Robertson-Devine.  She's the owner of Books del Sur, a phenomenal company that supplies schools with authentic Spanish books to support dual language programs around the country!   Heather will be the first to share that when she began the Biz Women Rock Masterminds in 2017, she was showing up to her business with the mindset of "oh, this little business I have," even though her company had all the markers of "successful" to anyone looking in.   Six months later, Heather has a very different mindset and approach to her business.   And in today's INSIDE A MASTERMIND SERIES, she's talked about why and how that shift occurred for her!   I absolutely LOVE sharing these inside looks into the Biz Women Rock Masterminds because I'm so juiced up about the massive UPLEVELING they can do to your business in a relatively short period of time!   If you know you're ready to