Biz Women Rock! With Katie Krimitsos

BWR 025: Amy Millman: Helping Women Raise Capital and Think BIG About Their Businesses



How do you build an a program that helps women scale their companies with education and financing? Listen to our Interview with Amy Millman, President of Springboard Enterprises to find out! Fourteen years ago, Amy Millman was one of a handful of women advocates who decided to formalize Springboard Enterprises. Formerly the head of the women in business committee in DC, Amy was perfectly suited to lead the movement to help women formalize and succeed in their endeavors to successfully scale their businesses. Springboard is a business accelerator that offers a solid program that helps women entrepreneurs get all the resources and the training they need to showcase their businesses to investors. Their mission is to create opportunities and connections for women entrepreneurs who are seeking funding for their technology and life science businesses. It's an entire community of entrepreneurs, coaches, sponsor and investors who all come together to help women's businesses soar! Springboard has had 545 women (and co