Biz Women Rock! With Katie Krimitsos

BWR 020: Shradha Agarwal: How to Bring Customized Education to 1 Million People Every Month!



Shradha Agarwal has had business running through her veins since she was a little girl. Fueled by the memory of accompanying her grandparents to the doctors offices often when she was young, she started ContextMedia as a way to help communicate targeted health messages and education to patients at a time when they are most likely to accept it (in the doctor's office). Picture customized, relevant television programming in the lobby, specific information available on iPads strategically placed in the doctor's room to peruse during those "the doctor will be right in" moments and communication on the back end to ensure your all questions are answered before and after an appointment. Her unique technology reaches 1 million patients EVERY month! Shradha was honored at the White House as Empact's top 100 young entrepreneurs in the country. She's an angel investor, a startup advisor and an all around rockstar business woman! Listen to the interview and you'll hear why!