Marta On The Move Podcast- Hosted By Marta Napoleone Mazzoni

Mike Hitt- Episode 87 Marta On The Move Podcast



#87 Mike Hitt It has been 3 years to the date, people!  Damn!  I am so excited to have some really incredible guests on the show this month and next.  Rico Gagliano from Dinner Party Download is joining me on July 2nd!  His podcast was the inspiration for starting my own.  Snap!  Luis Von Ahn the creator of the Captcha, and CEO of Duolingo was my last one, and this one welcomes Mike Hitt from MCM Studios. Sometimes you meet those people you are just meant to run into at a certain time of your life.  I truly believe that, I believe in timing.  Mike Hitt was a friend I had on Facebook that I had never met in person, but followed along on his adventures.  He created Middle Class Millionare, or MCM studios, that offers recording, editing, and studio time to people of all ages.  If you remember the "I'm So Burgh" shirt, he is behind that too. I, however, was not following Mike because of those things, I actually found out about his work later.  I was following him because, frankly, I liked his posts.  They ranged