Marta On The Move Podcast- Hosted By Marta Napoleone Mazzoni

Sean Collier- Marta On The Move Episode 73



The first time I met Sean Collier, I didn't know what to expect. I knew his dad was a popular name in Pittsburgh, and so is Sean's.  He was very quiet at a gathering we were all invited to, and I was honestly not sure if we would get along.  To be honest, I was nervous to talk to him.  He is probably laughing at me right now reading this. Well, it shows how much I know, we totally hit it off, and are now good buds.  He is one of the better eggs in our city, and I love what he does.  I have been on his podcast called You Can't Handle The Truth, where he, and Aaron Kleiber,(another awesome dude) review movies after an advance screening of them.  Not sure you know this about me, but I am obsessed with movies.  I used to keep lists when I was little of any category you can think of. Hottest actors Best on screen performance Best Love scene (I was a sick child) Best actress Best gruesome death (Once again.....) The list went on... I still have these notebooks someplace stored in my mom's house like a time capsul