Positive Productivity With Kim Sutton

PP 690: The Childhood Nickname Which Haunted Me for Nearly 40 Years



 “You don't need to have all the answers sometimes. The best answers that you can give yourself is silence.”  - Kim Sutton  Worrying is human nature. Yet, worrying can become worrisome when it begins to take control of your life. Kim found herself in that mire for 40 long years! Today, we hear how Kim got her peculiar childhood nickname and how it adversely affected her life, health, relationships, and business. As Kim shares how she greatly benefited from learning to let go, envision yourself happier with peace of mind and youthful glow. Learn about simple ways you can do today to stop excessively worrying and regain your control. How simple? Tune in, and you'll find out!    Check out my website for shownotes Follow Kim on: Facebook LinkedIn Twitter Highlights: 01:20 The Worrywart 08:52 Sit Still & Listen 12:05 How to Letting Go Of Worry 16:05 What Should Be In Your Top Priority