Fitness Business University With Vince Gabriele

3 Marketing Mistakes Made By Gym Owners



I’m not going to tell you how great I am, that would be bragging.  But I’m going to let these giants do it:   “Anything You Can Learn from Vince in my eyes is Gold.” - Eric Cressey, NY Yankees Strength Coach   “Vince is one of the best young fitness business consultants to come about in the last 20 years” -Thom Plummer   “A go to guy for Fitness Business.” - Mike Boyle   Need help growing your gym? It’s what I do all day.  You can work with me for 6 weeks at a fraction of what I charge my mastermind members here. 3 Mistakes you may be making with your marketing: Not knowing the LTV of a client Not playing the long game No learning how to write words that sell