Liminal Light

July 2019 Herbal Forecast



Herbalist Suzanne Stone of Moon Of Hyldemoer Herbals joins us to discuss her suggested plant allies for July 2019's astrology: Purple Loosestrife, Oxeye Daisy and St. Joan's/John's Wort. We hit on medicinal, magical, astrological, folkloric and cultural points of the plants while navigating the current transits. NOTE: I was attempting to record this in a live webinar format and it being Mercury's RX station conjunct Mars and squaring Uranus between the eclipses the audio came out terrible, with volume spikes and drops, cut outs and background noise that was impossible to remove. The talk is still worth it and listenable for those who dare! Suzanne suggests a few titles on the topic of so-called "invasive species" : The New Wild by Fred Pearce Beyond The War On Invasive Species by Tao Orion Invasive Plant Medicine by Timothy Lee Scott