Pure Curiosity With Iris Mcalpin

Pure Curiosity: Dr. Sandra Aamodt on Why Diets Make us Fat



Several years ago I read an article in the New York Times by Dr. Sandra Aamodt that made me feel like it was Christmas morning. It was the first time I had seen a legitimate scientist say authoritatively that dieting is completely counterproductive, and in many cases damaging. This was something I knew already, after years of bulimia and yo-yo dieting, but no one had ever articulated the principles I discovered in my own path to healing so well.  When her book Why Diets Make us Fat came out, I rushed to buy it, and I think it is a truly groundbreaking book. I couldn't recommend it more highly, and I was thrilled that Dr. Aamodt was willing to join me for this podcast! I am a huge fan of hers, and can't wait to see what she creates in the future! About Our Guest Sandra Aamodt, Ph.D., is the author of Why Diets Make Us Fat: The Unintended Consequences of Our Obsession with Weight Loss (2016). She also coauthored two popular neuroscience books with Sam Wang. Welcome to Your Brain (2008) was named Young Adult Sci