Aisling Dream Interpretation

Austin Powers vs The Wild Horses



This show has a theme of communication with spirits (channeling). It starts with Noella's recurring dreams of losing one earing. Next, Maria is told when she is going to die by a spirit. Hmmm. That's not normal. I don't buy it. In another dream, Rachel is attacked by a spirit who tries to strangle her. I explain the meaning of these dreams on the show, and the theme prompted me to talk about how channeling is the secret sauce of how I interpret dreams accurately. We round it off with 2 dreams from Kate. In one dream, she wants to watch a movie with wild horses at the ocean sure, but her mom wants to watch Austin Powers. I know which one I'd prefer. But it is Kate's dream, so she gets to decide. Oh wait, she doesn't because she doesn't say anything to her mom. I explain what that all means. In her next dream she feels harassed by a guy at the pool. She ends up criticizing a red bikini in a mall and think it funny that a woman in charge threw a banana peel on the ground. Ah, the stuff of dreams. Never fear, I p