Sterling Harris Ministries

How to Hear God: 10 Ways God Speaks



Are You having trouble Hearing God? Do You know when He is speaking to you? Do you ever ask yourself: Why doesn't God talk back to me? Does God still speak to people? How can I know it's Him? How can I have a relationship with a God I can't hear or see? If you have then our teachings on how to Hear God and Sense His activity in your life and in the lives of others will bless you abundantly! The teachings will also allow you to build a true Love Relationship with God with two way communication! HOW TO HEAR GOD SPEAK AND SENSE HIS ACTIVITY IN YOUR EVERYDAY LIFE? How to Hear God Speak and sense His Activity in your everyday life? (10 ways God speaks that you might not know He uses) Check out the Sterling Harris Ministries Website for more helpful messages In the Freedom Center you will find all kinds of topics to help you in your Love Relationship with Jesus. We LOVE You and are so thankful that you are here choosing to take part in the vision that God has given us. This vison i