Advo-cats! With Caitlyn And James

Advo-CATS! Episode 7 (My Side Your Side Pilot)



Well look at what we have here! Its Advo-CATS! episode 7 with your hosts Caitlyn (@mylovelycaitlyn) and Ja- wait that's not James- It's ZAK! The producer. What are you doing in front of the mic you pleb? Oh, James couldn't make it? Ok well, for an episode I guess. Listen as the so-cute-its-gross couple of Zak and Caitlyn talk about everything from Kanye to Hilary! Debut episode snuck into an already existing franchise? Well hello there spin off series! Don't for get to like us on facebook, HausMade, and subscribe on iTunes! And if you like us a lot, go support us on Art by Allison (@ghostfacer on tumblr) Music by Bubbles (@fourthwheble)