Leadership Matters

Leadership Matters with Barry Bloch



Barry Bloch, Boyden Partner, and long-serving Executive and Non-Executive at several listed, for-profit private and for-purpose organisations, drops into the pod to discuss his recent series of leadership articles aimed at challenging leaders to grow another level in a COVID-19 world. Barry serves as an Executive and Head of Organisational Transformation in the Victorian public health service and has seen first-hand the extraordinary dedication of the healthcare service over the last six months. This experience, along with his consulting, board and not-for-profit roles, has given him a comprehensive understanding of how COVID-19 is impacting organisations, leaders and society at large. “COVID-19 is unequivocally unprecedented; certainly not in a century, since the Second World War, have we seen anything like this that has societally fractured the whole globe,” he says. “It has triggered for me some fundamental thinking around questions like: how do we lead through this, can we use knowledge and experience