Leigh Martinuzzi

621 Book Reflection - Siddhartha By Hermann Hesse



621 Book Reflection - Siddhartha By Hermann Hesse Siddhartha, a story of the first Buddha, told by Hermann Hesse and still considered one of his most famous works to date. To write this book, apparently, Hesse, born in Germany in 1877, immersed himself in both Hindu and Buddhist scriptures. Mystified by Eastern religion and spirituality Hermann was keen to explore the life of Siddhartha and to do so found himself walking the path of the enlightened one. The life of Siddhartha is a journey of self-discovery. Split by the dualities of this existence, pleasure and pain, it can often be challenging to create understanding and find meaning. Siddhartha was said to have found the middle path, a life without attachment to either pleasure or pain but rather a deep spiritual state characterised by peace and harmony. This is a brilliant and captivating story that shares a great deal of wisdom. Check it out!