Leigh Martinuzzi

610 Nathan H. Lents - Human Errors: Evolutionary Insight Explaining Where to From Here



Nathan H. Lents "If you want to go somewhere quick, go alone. If you want to go somewhere far, go together." African Proverb Nathan H. Lents is a professor of biology at The City University of New York. He is also the creator of The Human Evolution blog and This World of Humans Podcast, popularizer science with fascinating insight. His curiosity and passion for biology and human evolution make him an expert and superb teacher of these subjects. In this episode, we discuss his newest book Human Errors, an illuminating, entertaining tour of the physical imperfections that make us human. Although it may appear his views is a negative spin on the human design it actually serves a grand purpose. If we can understand the strengths and weakness of our human bodies we can work better with them allowing greater collaborative progress. I absolutely enjoyed this conversation with Nathan and I hope you do also. Enjoy!