Amazing Spider-Man Classics

019 ASM Classics - Amazing Spider-Man 26 and 27



Bring back!  Oh, bring back!  Oh, bring back my Goblin to me!  Welcome again to Amazing Spider-Man Classics where this episode, Jon, Josh, and Donovan take a look at the only two-part Green Goblin story that Steve Ditko gave us.  And along the way, we are aided and abetted by the one and only J.R. Fettinger, a voice on the Spider-Man Crawl Space podcast panel and also the author of the Spidey Kicks Butt website. This episode deserves a good posting with some awesome art, but frankly, I am completely exhausted tonight.  I will probably come back and revise this post, but right now I just want to get the episode out there.  Two important announcements, though.  Amazing Spider-Man Classics is now proud to be sponsored by Roll2Play, an online vendor for games and gaming accessories.  They can be found at or at their Facebook page.  I invite you to check out their product line and consider them when purchasing for your gaming needs.  Also, this is 10-10-10, and the designer of our website here, J