Amazing Spider-Man Classics

005 ASM Classics - Amazing Spider-Man 5 and 6



Welcome back to Amazing Spider-Man Classics, where we are committed to taking you through every issue, every guest feature, and every cameo appearance we can find of the amazing Spider-Man!   This week, Jon, Josh, and Don are again joined by Zach (from Teenage Wasteland: An Ultimate Spider-Man Podcast) to go back to Spidey's main book after our team-up time-out last week.  Spider-Man has to cross swords, or finger guns, with the metal-masked menace of the Fantastic Four -- Dr. Doom!  And after that, he then takes the world's shortest vacation to the Everglades to confront the Lizard! Two of our favorite panels mentioned on the show are evil Peter and the Darling Pet Monkey ad!  (Live delivery guaranteed!) Some notes about the show this week: In the intro, I mention a survey in which you are invited to take part. That can be found here. Also, despite his frequent appearances on Spider-Man and His Amazing Friends, Dr. Doom and Spider-Man simply have not crossed paths many times over the years. After this issu