Teleosis Institute

Using Coaching at End of Life: A Conversation with Dr. Don Eisenhauer, PCC



Interview with Lois MacNaughton, BA, ACC End-of-Life Coaching is a process of being with people who are dying and those who are grieving.  This process recognizes the person who is dying or who is grieving as the expert of his/her life.  An End-of-Life Coach is responsible for creating a ‘safe place’ in which the person feels free to share without self-censorship. The End-of-Life Coach asks powerful questions: questions that are born out of the coach’s deep listening.  These questions invite the person to look within to find the answers that are already there yet have gone unacknowledged. Dr. Don Eisenhauer, PCC is here with Lois MacNaughton, BA, ACC to teach us more about these powerful questions.