Wisdom Teachings - Sat Yoga, Costa Rica

Come Out of Ignorance and Stop Suffering! – 02.19.17



Excerpt: “Avidya means ‘ignorance’, but it should actually be translated as ignorancing because it is an act; it’s not simply a state, and I would define it as the ignoring of the fact that you are ignoring. And what are you ignoring, is the fact that you are aware of your body and know that you are not your body, and yet you pretend to be your body. You are aware of the mind, of the thoughts, the chatter, the affects, and you know you are not the mind, but you pretend to be the mind and remain enmeshed in its melodramas. You are ignoring the fact that you are simply the witness to all of that. And by ignoring that fact, you are able to identify with the illusion that you are a bodily being when in fact, if you stop ignoring, the truth will dawn upon you that you are formless presence.” Recorded during our Silent Retreat, on the morning of Sunday, February 19, 2017.