Wisdom Teachings - Sat Yoga, Costa Rica

The I-Thought and the Emptiness – 12.28.14



Excerpt: ”. . .Because the I-thought, once it is conjured up from the Emptiness, identifies with matter. And the I-thought becomes linked with the physical body – with what gets taken, mistaken, for a physical body. It is not actually so much a physical body or a physical world, but a world of surfaces. And this is the key point because the I-thought eliminates depth. The I-thought converts the world into only a labyrinth of surfaces; there is no depth. Even though we have a concept of volume, but if you open anything up all you’ll find again are just surfaces . . . it’s all just literally superficial. Where is the within? Where is the essence? The world cannot consist only of surfaces. What is behind the surface?” Recorded during the Planetary Rebirth retreat, on the morning of Sunday, December 28, 2014.