Reignite Your Purpose: Inspiration | Empowerment | Education With Life Mastery Coach Sheila Sutherland

Ep101: Work Can Become Meaningful Play with Lisa Avery



Have you ever had a job that you absolutely hated? Each morning you almost need a forklift to get you out of bed to get you moving, and on your way to work. While you are there, motivation is non existent and you feel like your very life force is being sucked out of your body. I believe that most of us have felt that way at one time or another, but the big question is why do people stay in those jobs, while others move on to do things that they are more passionate about. Our amazing guest today is here to shed some light on how work can become meaningful play! As a positive psychologist, coach and writer, Lisa Avery helps individuals connect with the unique passion and purpose that drives their personal and professional success. She is fascinated by what propels a person to pursue their vocation, entwining their innate strengths, values and interests to serve both themselves and the rest of the world.   Lisa fuses the art of Coaching with the science of Positive Psychology to help individuals gain the clari