Kneel Before Pod

Legion Chapter 1



"Chapter 1" The new X-Men -sort of- spin-off begins with Legion and we decided to do a podcast review of every episode rather than the traditional written review. Craig, Aaron and Chris come together to deliver their collective thoughts about the opening episode on this new series. As always the discussion goes all over the place with the comics, other superhero TV shows, superhero movies, rampant speculation, Legion the movie, Dominion the TV series based on that movie, the time period the show sets itself in and a whole raft of other random conversation topics. Show Notes Legion in the comics The movie Legion the TV show Dominion the review of X-Men: Apocalypse James Lundy's podcast HeroTalk Rebirth Information about Edinburgh Comic Con The 331Erock version of the 90s X-Men theme and his channel If you enjoyed what you heard here then please do subscribe to Kneel Before Pod on iTunes, YouTube or any major podcasting app you can think of. If you have any feedback then we’re more than willing to