Kneel Before Pod

1000th Post - Celebration Podcast



Another milestone has been reached for Kneel Before Blog. The website is now on 1000 posts and I'm absolutely delighted by the progress that has been made to get us here. Kneel Before Blog is something that I started on my own but over the years I have recruited other people to help me by supplying other content. The website wouldn't be at this stage without that help so a lot of credit should be given to Aaron, Angus, Natalie, Gwen, Jordan, Simon, Urfa and Graeme for taking time out of their lives to provide their own takes on media that they have consumed. For the 1000th post I really wanted to celebrate the team rather than myself because it's 1000 posts of collective content rather than just me so Gwen suggested the idea of doing a podcast where people can listen and "meet the team" so to speak. I thought it was a great idea and decided to try to make it happen. As you might expect not everyone could make it but Aaron, Gwen, Natalie and Angus managed to make themselves available for a live discussion a