Kneel Before Pod

Round table interview with Kevin Smith and Harley Quinn Smith



Recently I had the opportunity to join in a round table with Kevin Smith and his daughter Harley Quinn Smith. I was fortunate enough to be one of the few who managed to get a question in. In the round table Kevin's career as well as his current film Yoga Hosers was discussed among many other things. Joining me in the experience were Adam Mulgrew of, Kat Morley of, Michael Boyd of Screenkicker, Louise Saul of The Big Glasgow Comic Page, Awais Irfan of, Michael Spangenberg of and a few others that I didn't note down. It was a great round table and I'm glad that the audio could be salvaged for you to hear because it's worth listening to. A few of us had the pleasure of an informal chat with Kevin after the event that was such a great experience. Kick back, have a listen and enjoy the endless chatter.