Bowie Vs. Dylan

Ep39: 2017: Cracked Actor Redux vs. Triplicate or The Running, Stretching, Podcasting, and Beer-Drinking of 2017



This podcast about Bowie and Dylan in the year 2017 is presented to you, dear listeners, as a triple album, each LP containing clearly defined themes that feed one to another, and then back again from the end of LP #3 to the start of LP #1, so that you'll be stuck in an endless feedback loop of listening to this specific podcast for the rest of eternity.   Wherein: Bowie is again a Cracked Actor, Dylan is again Born Again Again; Bowie returns to the early 70's; Dylan returns again to the 1940's and 50's again, and once again, and then again again, and then again once more for good measure. Here's a sneak preview of each podcast LP's incredibly varied and easily identifiable and classifiable themes, just in case you want to know what you're getting into as you prepare to listen to this podcast and nothing else for the rest of your life: LP #1: authentically smooth, mid-tempo, jazzy, non-improvised croony-tunes that Frank Sinatra may or may not have sang at some point. LP #2: authentically smooth, mid-tempo