Bowie Vs. Dylan

Ep36: 2005 - Nothing! Absolutely Nothing! vs. No Direction Home or The Multiple Choice Documentation of 2005



We here at Bowie vs. Dylan like to keep it light, you know, with delightfully frivolous lamentations such as the following: What really IS a choice anyway?  Does it need to be more than one?  Is one sufficient to make a choice?  If there's only one option, but one chooses not to choose it, and instead chooses no choice, is there an inherent binary anyway?  And if so, is there any such logical thing as no choice?  Why does Bowie like his hair to look like the halcyon bygone days of Jon Bon Jovi in 2005?  What exactly are the criteria of the so-called "Dave-cation?"  Why does Dylan tour with his old buddies/frenemies so often while on no sort of vacation?  Why did he give cryptic but strangely revealing interviews in 2001 only to disavow a project based on them helmed by none other than Martin Scorsese in 2005?  What exactly is the difference between PBS and the BBC anyway, I mean really, like, spiritually?  Why does Chaz smell so bad? What is the nature of life, but moreover, living? Hey, no big deal, we're j