Bowie Vs. Dylan

Ep34: 1972 - David Bowie Presents: The Rise and Fall of Ziggy Stardust and The Spiders From Mars vs. Nothing! Absolutely Nothing! or the Ziggy Stardusting of 1972



We here at Bowie vs. Dylan want you to stop us if you've heard this one before: Two well-meaning podcasters record a perfectly okay episode involving the comings and goings of David Bowie and Bob Dylan in the year 1972.  They drink a beer with one hand, pat themselves on the back with the other, and call it a day.   Except: the digital file stored on the voice memos portion of a state-of-the-art iPod 4 becomes somehow corrupted and refuses to transfer to one of the well-meaning podcaster's computer hard drive.  This podcaster furiously attempts to uncorrupt the ostensibly but allegedly corrupt file, which nonetheless proves itself literally corrupt and thereby unretrievable.  The first podcaster hides the corruption from the second podcaster, who is prone to tantrums and various hissy fits, by attempting unethical bribes and outright witchcraft to avoid what becomes unavoidable, which is that the two podcasters must surmount all odds and just, you know, record it again. It's a tale as old as time.  Have you