Bowie Vs. Dylan

Ep30: Bowie vs. Dylan, or The Top 10 Rivalries of THEIR ENTIRE CAREERS



Dear Listeners- We here at Bowie vs. Dylan know that it's generally uncouth to share such an emotional outpouring, especially since we haven't had anything to drink this morning (yet), but hey, what the heck?  The internet is such a rotten place sometimes, and we'd like to change that in whatever small way that we can actually control, so here goes: WE REALLY APPRECIATE YOU. So much so, in fact, that we'd like to ask your forgiveness in advance for the 1 hour and 45 minutes that you're about to be subjected to of pure podcast petulance.  Because although David Bowie and Bob Dylan were and are generally congenial fellows with many friends, acquaintances, and collaborators (see Episode 10 of this podcast), they also each had their share of frenemies, enemies, and rivalries, all of which are covered in exhaustive and exhausting detail, by real-life brothers (and #1 For Realz Rivalz For Life) Chaz and Jake.  Warning: It's a petty, salacious, violent, uncaring, contentious, and downright mean episode, just like