Bowie Vs. Dylan

Ep29: 1996 - Nothing! Absolutely Nothing! vs. Nothing! Absolutely Nothing! or the MasterCard Masters Soul Patch for the Prince of 1996



Chaz and Jake sift through the mild emotional wreckage that was the year 1996 for tasty goss on their muses both dead and alive.  Spoiler alert: there's not much to say, except that the brothers somehow spew an unhealthy 75 minutes of morning drive-time jock-talk with what amounts to practically nothing.  We leave it to you, dear listeners, to decide if that's any different at all than their other podcasts.   Here's Bowie's year: He's at least lookin good, I guess? Let me just check my notes on Dylan one more time, there's got to be something here...wait, how did we miss this?!  Says here that a handsome man with the surname Dylan fronted an inexplicably popular alternative rock band with several top ten hits with an album that sold 4 million copies and won a bunch of Grammy's!  Bob Dylan was in a band called the Wallflowers?! That wasn't in my narrative at all!  You'd think I'd have caught it, but boy, does this change everything, we're gonna have to go back and re-do the points, Chaz is NOT going to be pl