Bowie Vs. Dylan

Ep28: 1970 - The Man Who Sold the World vs. Self-Portrait and New Morning or the Too Thick to Pick of 1970



Charlie and Jake beckon you to join them in their 1970-era drug and sex-fueled arts commune that's really just a dilapidated house with some stairs that you can sleep on/under.  Why, you ask? Well, we want you to express yourself, of course, through mimery and "joke" albums that debut at #4 on the Billboard charts.  We want you to try your novelty singles in Italian, and to put out a "real" album 4 months later only to see it debut at #7.  We'd really think it was neat if you released some HEAVY music, man, but also to sing of the simple pleasures the country life can bring after you move back to NYC to be accosted by jackasses with megaphones.  All of this is encouraged in our awful condemnable house! But really, it's all about us making a space spiritually and physically fit for you to bring a child into the world in it.  Seriously, have a baby and try and raise it through infancy in the house.  It'll be a good idea!  He or she can sleep under Stair #8, it's surprisingly roomy.   I hate to do this to you