Bowie Vs. Dylan

Ep22: 1974 - Diamond Dogs vs. Planet Waves vs. David Live vs. Before the Flood or the Face to Face Tomfoolery of 1974



Jake seems to sound the same while discussing Bob Dylan in the year of all years 1974, but Charlie sounds...different somehow, while discussing David Bowie.  It's not the content necessarily, it's still a buzzsaw of singles, classic 70's records, and questionable (NSFW?) album art.  And it's not his tone, which continues to be cheeky, sarcastic, vaguely mean, and unnecessarily triumphant.  It's more, I don't know, his timbre?  Less scratchy?  Clearer somehow?  More personable?  Still whiny and nasally, sure, but you can hear the words better.  I think.  But I'm not sure why!  Maybe you, dear listeners, can figure it out, as you fire up the old podcast listening machine, share an in-person brotherly or sisterly hug with the ones you love,  hoover up some cocaine and/or infidelity with CBS executives, and try not to cringe during the "members" portion (you'll know it when you hear it) on this very special shuckster/guru-filled episode of Bowie vs. Dylan!