Bowie Vs. Dylan

Ep21: 2018 - Loving the Alien vs. More Blood! More Tracks! or the Deeply Problematic Pointing of 2018



Bowie's not with us anymore, but that doesn't stop him from attempting to stampede a very much alive Dylan (editor's note: "very much" is a little strong here) in the juuuuuust passed year of our Lord 2018.  You see, his record label is deathless and is intent on shoving reissues, 4th remasters of "legendary" concerts from 1978, and "greatest shows on earth in the year 2000 at Glastonbury on the night Bowie played it" at an alarming clip.  And well, Dylan might not be able to keep up because his record label is deathless and is doing the exact same thing even though Bob lives (we're pretty sure he toured 9 months of the year...anyone?), but just to a slightly lesser extent given his afore-mentioned livingness.  So it's a thinly veiled battle for artistic supremacy that's actually a vehicle for childish emotional outbursts and barely masked sarcastic comments that occasionally hit too close to home.  Happy New Year from Chaz and Jake on a very special episode of Bowie vs. Dylan that's just like all the others