Stories Of A Sparrow

Stories of a Sparrow: Episode 9



In this episode we discuss our struggle with the comparison game. The pressure that we feel on a daily basis to keep up. Thanks to social media we are constantly surrounded by people we don't even know who seem to have it all and have it all together at the same time! It's this highlight real life that draws us in and makes us feel very boring and lacking in the life we have been called to live. We start to question why, why can't I look like that? Why can't I have their house or their belongings, why can't I have the money to vacation there? We get sucked into this fake world that we cannot live up to and when we are driven by what we lack, we will never find happiness, joy or contentment. We talk about what it looks like to raise kids while navigating comparison and the expectations that we put on ourselves to have the most perfect Pinterest party or to breastfeed or bottle feed, or to give your kid the best Santa presents. Our challenge to ourselves and you is to continue to pour truth into your life, to s