
I Want to Fit In



In this episode, Sara explores the pressures pre-teens face to fit in - the social pressures and gender norms that impact today's pre-teens. We hear about the pressures on girls, boys, and the compelling story of a transgender pre-teen navigating b’nai mitzvah party culture.     "The parties are also a kind of performance. Pre-teens are pretending to be a little bit older and more mature than they are. The coat closet. Place for experimentation and risk taking. It is an exciting moment for kids to think about a more adult side of themselves. What is it about b'nai mitzvah? I can't be the only slutty girl in the coat closet." - Rachel Simmons "Most pre-teens want to belong - to have a group of friends to share good times with. Social status. Social ladder. Working to be at or near top. Some at twelve or thirteen have already given up and recognize that they'll be towards the bottom." - Andrew Smiler Featured voices: Rachel Simmons is the author of the bestsellers Odd Girl Out: The Hidden Culture of Aggressio