New Superwoman Entrepreneur Podcast With Maribel Jimenez

031: Get Amazing Results With Love-Based Copywriting, With Michele PW



Today’s episode of New SuperWoman Entrepreneur is a terrific episode, packed with great tools and tips for you and is considered one of the hottest direct response copywriters and marketing consultants in the industry today. Michele Pariza Wacek has a reputation for crafting copy and creating online and offline marketing campaigns that get results.   On this episode you’re going to hear Michelle’s refreshing way of looking at copywriting and how she has gone about forging a new path in direct response copywriting that is seeing loads of success and great responses in the industry.   A move into the entrepreneurial world that opened up a desire to change an entire industry.   When you talk about dreaming big, you never think it’s going to really go THAT big, but for today’s guest (Michele PW) that’s what happened. Michele started writing professionally in 1992, working at agencies and on staff as a marketing/communication/writing specialist. In 1998, she started her business as a freelance copywriter. She qui