New Superwoman Entrepreneur Podcast With Maribel Jimenez

027: Focusing Your Time To Maximum Productivity And Profitability With Dr. Sarah Reiff-Hekking



Dr. Sarah Reiff-Hekking is a speaker and coach with 20 years of experience helping people create the lives they crave. She is passionate about helping entrepreneurs that have a hard time managing their time and their tasks, figure out a way that works for them. She believes that you have to find the time management system that works for you, that solutions are found by paying attention to the present moment, and that just like Michelangelo had to chip away at the stone to find the statue, we have to get rid of all the extra stuff that isn’t the core of your life.     Why do you want to be an entrepreneur?   Is it the possibility of freedom in lifestyle and time? Is it the ability to call your own shots and create the things that YOU want to create? Is it to have the opportunity to make the income you really want and need? Dr. Sarah Reiff-Hekking decided to become an entrepreneur for all those reasons even though she was already “living the dream” of her chosen profession. When she left the research and medica