Unleash Your Gene-ius With Dr Brian Peterson

020: Bradford Wise: The Primal Mudder



Hey what’s up Gene-ius listeners, I’m excited to be interviewing my guest today. He shares many of similar passions that I do. Mainly Tough Mudder and Primal Health. I’ve been following Brad on social media for a while now, and I’m glad to have him as a guest on our podcast today. Here’s a clip from Brad’s website: In the early months of 2015, I discovered the Paleo movement. While reading the Paleo Magazine, I read an article about a guy who seemed a lot like me, overweight, and depressed that the traditional methods of weight management were not working. He read Mark Sisson’s “The Primal Blueprint.” and it changed his life. So I thought, “why not give it a shot.” I went to the local bookstore that week and bought a copy of “The Primal Blueprint,” and my eyes were opened. The way I lived my life and the way I ate were horrible. I was poisoning myself. I bought other books by Mark Sisson, and Robb Wolf, and tried to learn as much as I could about this lifestyle that works for so many and has been right in fro