Digging Through With Gessy Alvarez

Episode 5 - "The Sense Of Sin Is My Master"



In this episode, Gessy shares her attraction to “outsider” female artists. She focuses on a retrospective at the New Museum in NYC entitled “Carol Rama: Antibodies. Note from Gessy: I’ve always been attracted to “outsider” female artists. These women who bravely defied conventions and civil decorum in order to create work they believe in. Having grown up in a conservative family with enormous pressure to not only conform but to also take care of my family before taking care of myself, I have looked up to these women as examples of how to exist beyond what you are told you need to be. Title comes from the following quote: "I didn’t have any painters as masters, the sense of sin is my master." Carol Rama Music: The Grind by Justin Mahar courtesy of MusOpen.org