
It's not like waiting for post by Marina Tsvetaeva read by Isabella Widger



'It's not like waiting for post' by Marina Tsvetaeva translated by Elaine Feinstein and read by Isabella Widger. 'It's not like waiting for post' is dated 1923. This translation appears in 'Bride of Ice: New Selected Poems' published by Carcanet in 2008. A transcript can be found at https://books.google.co.uk/books?id=RK9uBgAAQBAJ&pg=PT90&dq=%27It%27s+not+like+waiting+for+post%27+by+Marina+Tsvetaeva&hl=en&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjqytKDz93pAhVtSBUIHbO9CMYQ6AEIKDAA#v=onepage&q='It's%20not%20like%20waiting%20for%20post'%20by%20Marina%20Tsvetaeva&f=false More from Isabella Widger can be found at www.isabellawidger.com