
'A dirty great poem' by Donald Barthelme read by Alex Frost



'A dirty great poem' by Donald Barthelme read by Alex Frost. 'A dirty great poem' is a prose passage within Donald Barthelme's novel 'Snow White'. It was first published in 1967 by Atheneum Books. A transcript can be found at https://books.google.co.uk/books?id=8t7APzmuRVEC&pg=PA16&lpg=PA16&dq=%22A+dirty+great+poem%22+by+donald+barthelme&source=bl&ots=l59fbG6qZn&sig=ACfU3U3pJUS22eps6q6-EI6uvQJxseuknQ&hl=en&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjV17TD_MzgAhVhqnEKHZ1fAwoQ6AEwAXoECAgQAQ#v=onepage&q=%22A%20dirty%20great%20poem%22%20by%20donald%20barthelme&f=false More from Alex Frost can be found at http://www.alexfrost.com